Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm off to see the world, field trip #2

I heart Oregon. I love the dismal, dreary days of late fall/early winter. The grey seething ocean, rugged rocky cliffs and damp, dark evergreens somehow do it for me.

I might have mentioned this to one or two other human beings, but I've been taking field trips lately. Going exploring. Today took me westward over the hills and far away to Vernonia, Mist, and Clatskanie. I've been itching to get to Astoria for some reason, but settled for this highway 26-47-30 loop today. It was magical, desolate and...misty. It seemed every twist and turn revealed another dramatic fog bedecked valley or romantically decrepit farmhouse. Also a beast of an old furry cow chewing its cud. I was lucky to encounter only light rain and realized this winding way is best traveled in fair weather. I'm glad I did it in the glorious periwinkle half-light before things get shady and slidy all up in there.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I am dying to get to Astoria too. My mother, grandmother and great grandmother all grew up there. Ana Rugani has been living in Seaside for some time now and currently is looking for a space in Astoria to turn into an art space and looking for grants simultaneously. Anytime between Dec 23rd and Jan 2nd work for you to take a day trek out there? Either way hit her up when your itching adventurous that way :)

Anonymous said...

oh that last comment was me, Lorraine

Caitlin said...

Haha, ja dude! Those crazy Finns...totally! I have several free days in that batch, let's do it! Are you coming up for xmas? Give me a call or shoot me an email when you get here, we shall arrange.

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